Precision Healing, One Point at a Time

Customized treatments designed to relieve pain, regulate the nervous system, and promote natural healing

Our Services

  • Initial Acupuncture Session

    90 minutes - $75.00

    During a new client treatment we take extra time to get to know you, attain a holistic view of your well-being, and discuss health goals.

  • Existing Patient Acupuncture Session

    60 minutes - $60.00

    Ultra thin needles and other modalities are used to treat specific concerns and restore balance to the body.

  • Stand-Alone Cupping Session

    30 minutes - $30.00

    Cups create a strong suction on the surface of the body helping to increase circulation, break up adhesions, and decrease pain.

  • 15 minutes - Free

    Not sure if acupuncture is right for you? Schedule a free 15 minute phone consultation to discuss your specific needs and concerns.

Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine in Boulder, Colorado

At Pinpoint Acupuncture we are passionate about helping you reach your health goals. We take the time to get to know you, your body, and your specific concerns. A fusion of ancient Chinese wisdom and modern technique is used to create the ultimate therapeutic experience. Personalized treatments address the root cause of pain or imbalance in order to promote optimal well-being.

Acupuncture can be used to treat acute and chronic pain, headaches, anxiety, depression, hormonal imbalances, gastrointestinal issues, and much more.

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